One of the simplest and most delicious way to prepare zucchini is to saute it or steam it and just dress it with great olive oil and a little sea salt. I prefer steaming it in a saute pan with a whole garlic clove and a small amount of water with sea salt, then when it’s cooked almost through I toss it with a little extra virgin olive oil and either fresh chopped mint or basil.
If you prefer to saute it, just heat a couple whole garlic cloves with olive oil in a saute pan and the toss the zucchini in and stir to coat. Sprinkle with a little sea salt. Zucchini cooks fairly quickly and has a high water content so just a few minutes on a medium high fire will do it.
However, when you add the zucchini to a pan with just a few tablespoons of water, whole garlic and a little sea salt, put the lid on and steam it until it’s done, then add the extra virgin olive oil, it’s a healthier and fresher tasting dish. Good extra virgin olive oil has some great health benefits, mainly poly-phenols and anti inflammatory, but when any oil is heated it loses its health properties.
Both mint and basil are delicious with zucchini, so feel free to use either one of them.
I’m not going to include a recipe because the previous article pretty much walks you step by step through the dish. Buon Appetito!